Ive had these converted for awhile, but only just sat down.You sent me such a sweet message thank you! Instead of giving you a briefer response, her’s a crappy tutorial for you! ^-^Discover more posts about ts3 conversion. Hide.Some of you may recall this set I did for TS2, which was certainly a favorite of my creations. The sewing machine from TS2 was converted to TS3 Best part is that your sim can make real objects with it Mods and CC.
*thumbs up*If you read my tutorial and you need more (better) help, there are other TS2 to TS3 conversion tutorials:To convert from TS2, what you need is the TS2 CC with the mesh and textures included. I created this mesh conversion a long while ago now with the intention of sharing however, it seems that real life got in the way so this little medieval number was forgotten about and never uploaded.School Motto: Prepare to be tortured! For Science!Lesson #4: TS2 Converting: How to turn a 2 into a 3!Luckily for the weary travelers who desire delving down the path of TS2 conversions, it’s a short and rather simple road. TS3 to TS4 Conversion, right from the middle ages. TS3 to TS2 Conversions List.Welcome to Murf’s School of Crap and Crap-Making!Did a little TS2 conversion of HolySimolys.
Ts2 To Ts3 Conversions Free No Worries
You’ve got your mesh as a nice. Scroll down to where you see the Export and Import buttons.Click Export. In other words: your MESH:Click the file name and a 3d viewer and stuff will appear beneath the window.<3Next, grab a copy of SimPE (it’s free no worries).Open SimPE and in the File menu open the package file.The belle of the ball is this baby right here the GMDC thing. Ah well, who cares.)For the sake of this tut I’m gonna convert one of Parsimonious’ loveseats, since Parsimonious was my fave TS2 creator and I miss their cultural CC badly. (And be careful with those slave files I think they need the original mesh too? Can’t remember.
Wso plugin for Milkshape installed.Open up Milkshape, and import your TS2. Wso file.Make sure you have the TSRW. In the Mesh tab, click Export to get the High Level Detail.
Underneath you’ll see an Assign button. Click Rename again to make sure it shows up under the Groups tab.Keep your mesh selected, and in the Joints tab, you’ll see it says 0xCD68F001. Keep the TS2 mesh selected, and click the Rename button in the Groups tab to rename your mesh in the little text bar (mine was named fabric) as Group 0. :)Once you’re comfortablele with the placement, you can then delete the TS3 meshes (Group 0 and Group 1). It takes some finagling, but you’ll get it. In the Mesh tab, click the Move button, and gingerly slide your mouse around to move the mesh where it needs to go, neatly superimposed right over the TS3 couch.Another problem is that the TS2 couch sits lower than the TS3 one, so in the same Mesh tab, click the Scale button, and slide your mouse so the cushions all line up at the same height.
Wso file.Now, remember how when you imported the TS3 mesh it had 2 groups, but the TS2 mesh only had one? And we deleted the 2 groups and renamed the TS2 mesh as Group 0? Yet in TSRW there are still 2 Groups listed?If you try to import a mesh with 1 group into a cloned item set to 2 groups, TSRW will block you from doing it.So to get around that, you need to delete the extra group we don’t need. Should be fine though.)In the File menu, scroll down to Export, and export it out as a TSRW. Png texture you Exported out of SimPE so you can see what it looks like. Whatever.(In the Materials tab you can Assign the.
Png texture would then serve as your Overlay. OR, you can go the quick and easy way, and just use for example a plain all-red (ff0000) Mask, and a plain all-grey (d2d2d2) Multiplier, with an all-black (000000) alpha-channel for the Specular. If you want to make yourself miserable you can open the texture in Photoshop/Gimp/etc and edit it to create a RGB Mask for it and a Greyscale Multiplier. You only need one, and we’re gonna swap out those textures anyway.This where your texture-mojo hoodoo voodoo Mad Skillz come into play.Now, TS2 didn’t have CASt (poor devils), so all the textures were non-recolorable. Wso in, and yay! Import Complete!In the Textures tab, Delete all but the last color variation. Group 1 is the actual couch.If you selected Option A, you are correct! ^-^ You get… nothing! XDRight-click where it says Group 0 in that green bar, and click Remove.Click Yes when TSRW tries to use scare tactics on you.Import your new.
Ts2 To Ts3 Conversions Update The Auto
Test it as a package file with Delphy’s Multi-Extractor if you know what’s good for you though.Compared to the clothes conversion tutorial, as you can see it’s basically more or less the same steps, every time. (I’m the teacher from Hell I know.)Anyways, once you have all your textures set up, it’s time to go back to the Mesh tab and make the Medium/Low Level Detail Mesh, and update the auto-generated shadows.See how to make the MLD/LLD with the DirectX Mesh Tool here.And how to fix the all-black mesh you get here.When you’re confident that everything looks as good as it’s ever gonna get, save your work (you should save a LOT dealing with finicky TSRW), and under the File menu click Export to Sims3Pack. Png as a Multiplier (which I prefer, to make it more or less ‘recolorable‘, or at very least the Saturation can be changed in CASt).If you have no idea what the heck I’m talking about, then you didn’t read the tutorials I TOLD YOU to read last time class was in session.
Most of your time will probably be spent on the stupid textures, honestly.